Trade updates
Here is my June option trading result.
I started June with just $629.29 in my account as a test project just to show everyone what option investing can achieve.
With the power of option, I get to capture downside/upside gains with very minimum risk. With the market free falling, I decided to long my put position and take short term profits right when I was able to capture the downside moves of the market.
I have ended the month of June with $4,659.62 additional profit. Almost 800% profit from what I have started. Not a bad month with what you are able to leverage on the downside.
I will keep a tight score card for the month of July since the market has hit official “Bear” market based on the technical indicators covered by major media in the news last week. Keep your eyes open for any rally, as you should short into any strength on retail, banking, financial, real estate, and high tech industry. Long your position on weakness on oil, gas, defense, energy, and farm goods.
Happy hunting everyone!
Andy Huang