Google Assassin Automated Affiliate Marketing Tools
The price of Google Assassin is about to increase… in the next 24 hours.
Secondly, as promised, the Google Assassin members have received all 3 days of my fast-action bonus e-course, “$169k in one day:
selling e-books the easy way”. Over 90 minutes of gold-dust.
Never to be repeated…
Were you left out of the loop? There’s hope… you see, Chris XÂ have just completed an action plan for the course, and he is going to e-mail it to the members tonight at exactly 8PM Eastern time.
Why is this important? Because that e-mail will also have the download links for all three day’s e-courses inside. So if you missed the boat on Friday, it’s your one chance to clamber back in, before Chris and his Assassin team sail into the mist for good.
I will never mention, release or rehash the course in any way after that e-mail, which is only a few hours away.
So, consider this your final warning: Google Assassin is increasing in price in the next 24 hours, … and you have until 8PM Eastern (5PM western, 1AM UK time), to order your copy and claim the $169k info product bonus.