Only 2 hours until StomperNet opens up
In 2 hours, StomperNet Opens – at 3pm Eastern today.Andy Jenkins is heads down getting ready for the launch, but he
wanted to share some interesting stats with you and THANK YOU
for your interest in Going Natural 3.
Straight from Andy:
FACT: The Original StomperNet launch analytics tracked 465,000
page views to the original Going Natural 1.0 campaign.
According to our Google Analytics, GoingNatural 3 is at 822,000
page views – and climbing.
Before we open, I just wanted to tell you what a pleasure it
was to release these videos and get your incredible feedback.
Moving the Free Line is what we do, and we are so pleased that
you put the information in the GoingNatural 3.0 Videos and
StomperSite Seer to use.
Remember, the key to success is to TAKE ACTION, even if you
don’t always understand why you’re doing it. If the
information is from a trusted source, then it…s worth doing
as fast as possible.
If you haven’t seen our Fast Action Bonuses, take a peek at
them here:
>>>> Stompernet Fast Action Bonuses
This is the location of our Online Brochure and Order page:
>>>> Order Page here
I wish you the very best of luck in your future endeavors, and
the best of luck if you’re competing for a Fast Action Bonus
when you join StomperNet!
Andy Jenkins
P.S. Our countdown timer has been squished by the traffic load
and it…s not honoring actual time ‘til Cart Open – just
remember, 3pm EASTERN TODAY.